Brenda Dupler

Some of you may be upset with some of the changes that I plan for this year, and I am truly sorry for that. 

But starting this year, I will no longer be making piggy cover ups/coats. or rooting rugs. 

There are many awesome people out there making the cutest clothes for pigs. So I know that you will find the perfect coat from one of them. I will list a few that I recommend to help you out.

My plan --

I really want to get ahead on orders so that I can have enough in stock for people to get them faster. I will still make custom harnesses if that is what you need, but most people just want the standard sizing and have a wait time of approx. 10 business days.. 

Since making the cover ups and rooting rugs take so much time, by illuminating them, I feel I will have more time to focus on making harnesses for faster delivery.

My Dream --

I know many will probably think that I am kinda strange, but my dream is to get an RV and travel around the US meeting my customers. I really want to be able to work out of the rv and possibly part at a rescue from time to time. 

I had this dream one night that I drove from state to state parking at pig rescues. Then I had  a set up so that I could sell harnesses at that rescue. While people were there, they had a chance to adopt a pig from that rescue and get a discount on a new harness. Not only that, but a portion of the sales would go to help out the rescue as well. 

I can't promise that this dream will come true this year , but I will give it my best shot for sure. It really sounds like it could be fun and I have some amazing customers that I would be excited to meet. 

Let me know what you think of that idea. I would love to hear some feedback.

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