Wow, with all of this craziness in the world right now, I have been super busy lately. 

I know that I was away from social media and most of the time from my website ( unless someone needed help). 

First I was making masks like you wouldn't believe. Last count was 1700. Thank God my sister was here to help. 

The one good thing about this is that I made use of a bunch of my fabric scraps and even got more fabric in stock. I figured that since I was looking for more fabric anyway, I should probably get some new styles for my piggy customers. I was shocked to find out that 60% of the fabrics that I ordered online was "out of stock and not able to send". Of course, I couldn't just go to the store to pick up what I wanted. Since the fabric store is like crack to me, I couldn't just go in for a few minutes. lol

So I went back to the web to place even more orders. Until finally I got a bunch of new fabrics delivered. Then of course, I got a bit overwhelmed with all of the fabric and where to put it. So next step was to organize my sewing room. That was actually kinda fun. I found things that I forgot that I had.  

That being said, I finally got everything together and ready to make some harnesses so that I can show you all the finished product instead of just pictures of the fabric ( per your request). So keep your eyes open, they will all be posted soon. since I have a steady flow of orders coming in, it may take a bit longer than I want. But I swear, they are coming. My customer orders always come first.

The cotton harnesses are a HUGE hit, so I will be starting with those. 

On a side note, I did just put up a few new ones. There are even new harnesses in the "Discount Harness" Section. Most of them are medium since I really like the way they look in pictures. Some of them have small or large available too though.

Have a great day and stay safe. Love you all.


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